
Get Involved!

There are many ways to volunteer at the CMA. You can commit to as little as a couple of hours or dive in to become a highly trained docent. It's up to you! Learn more by emailing us at volunteers@columbiamuseum.org.


Docent Corps

Docents are a vital part of the CMA, facilitating our mission of engaging with visitors and enriching their experiences. 

Docents volunteer to lead tours for adults and school-age children (pre K-12) through the galleries and studios, helping visitors learn about art and the world around them. 

Docent Corps members receive all of the benefits of membership, plus they can:

  • attend special luncheons
  • participate in trips to other cultural institutions
  • attend many educational lectures and gallery talks free of charge 

Annual dues are $25 plus the cost of membership. Only active museum members who are in docent training or have completed docent training are eligible for Docent Corps membership.

Want to support the Docents?

Make a donation to the Docent Fund


"Being a docent at the Columbia Museum of Art has been a double delight for me. Not only do I get to pursue an ongoing interest in art, which I never had the opportunity to study in school, but I get to do it with interesting and congenial people...many of whom have become good friends."

-Ann Holtschlag

CMA Docent Corps Members


Gail Bienstock
Nancy Brock
Sally Buckler
Brittany Buguey
Melissa Bush
Jean Cook
Emily Creedle
JoAnne Day
Marty Duckenfield
Kelly Easler
Caroline Eastman
Ted Fetner
Becky Groth
Wayne Herman
Ann Holtschlag
Carol Hunter
Emily Israel
Trish James
Cindy Jurgensen
Andrea Kaniarz
Maria Kendall

Mary Kessler
Christine Lee
Joyce Leet
Elizabeth Levy
Susan Mazur
Chuck McDaniel
Sara McGregor
Patricia Mohr
Barbara Nielsen
Elizabeth Nock
Kathy Paget
Jean Prothro
Maureen Randall, president
Diana Robinson
Jane Schwantes
Nancie Shillington-Pérez
Patsy Storla
Nancy Tolson
Dennis Turner
Cameron Vogt