Why join the CMA?

  • Give Back

    When you become a member, you're giving to a cause you believe in. The museum offers tons of free and low-cost educational programs, and those wouldn't be possible without the generous support of CMA members.

  • Be the Change

    Supporting organizations that are meaningful to you is a good way to live your values. When you join the CMA, you are directly supporting better access to arts and arts education in your community.

  • Love Your City

    Many CMA members join because they understand the importance of investing in local community organizations. By joining the CMA, you can support Columbia and its thriving arts scene!

  • Fill Your Cup

    Joining the CMA means you can stop by - FREE - any day. Looking at art in a peaceful environment can provide respite in a busy life.


Give the Gift of Art

Give the gift of art this season with a gift of CMA membership for your friends and family. Memberships at the CMA come with 52 weeks of free museum admission, a discount on CMA and exhibition merchandise, and free or discounted admission to over 100 museums across the Southeast.

Best of all, you'll always have someone to go to the museum with!