
Officers & Board of Directors



Wanda Austin //  City of Columbia Department of Parks and Recreation.  //  President

Keela Glover //  Dominion Energy South Carolina  //  Vice-President

Charles Salley //  Carolina Office Systems (Xerox)  //  Treasurer, Nominating Committee, Chair

Simone Keller //  University of South Carolina  //  Secretary



Tyson Lusk  //  University of South Carolina //  Development Committee, Chair

Kinnethia Tolson //  The Hive Community Circle  // Membership Committee Chair

Michaela Brown //  Mike Brown Contemporary // Program Committe Chair

Jamesha Shackerford  //  Cypress Fund // Development Committee

Monica Owens // Alliant ASO //  Programming Committee

Dr. Patricia "Patty" Graham //  Department of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Studies, East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania // Retired Chairperson

Dr. Aprel Barnes  //  Eau Claire Cooperative Heath Centers

Dr. Salandra Bowman  //  South Carolina ETV

Crystal Jamison  //  The Jamison Group

Sabrina Jeffcoat-Sotayo  //  Edible Data Visuals, LLC

Sammyette W. Jones, RPh //  CVS Pharmacy

Dr. Toya Jefferson Murph  // Office of Public Health Preparedness for the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC)

Tiffany Riggs //  Price Waterhouse Cooper

Kimyatter Southern  // US Department of Veteran Affairs 

Kela Thomas //  Richland County Summary Court


Columbia Museum of Art Liaison

Kaity Monroe  //  Affinities Manager