Letters from Anne and Martin
November 17, 2023
10:30 am-12:00 pm
In collaboration with the Anne Frank Center at USC, the CMA presents a special performance of the stage play Letters from Anne and Martin, directed by Mario Haynes of the Anne Frank Center at USC, performed by Parish Bradley and Alexandra Gellner of Anne Frank Center USA, and presented in connection with the annual Anne Frank Center Awards.
Letters from Anne and Martin combines the iconic voices of Anne Frank and Martin Luther King Jr. in an exploration of the persecution they faced and their struggles to maintain hope for humanity in the face of hatred and violence. Conceived by Hannah Vaughn and developed by Gellner, the play both challenges and inspires its audiences. This roughly 40-minute, two-person performance is followed by a talkback with the audience to answer questions and discuss the parallels between the two figures and how we can learn from their examples to combat intolerance today. Free. Registration required as seating is limited.
Anne Frank Center at USC
The University of South Carolina is the official U.S. partner of the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam and the only partner site in North America. The Anne Frank Center at USC brings to life the story of the young Jewish girl who, in the pages of her world-renowned diary, documented two years of hiding in Nazi-occupied Amsterdam during World War II. By sharing Frank's legacy with visitors, students, and teachers, USC’s Anne Frank Center seeks to inspire our commitment to never be bystanders, but instead to stand up together against antisemitism, bigotry, and inequality wherever it may exist today.